In the Internet of Things, all physical devices can interconnect and compare data and opportunities for real time interaction. This development will not stop at everyday objects. Personal needs
are automatically detected, solutions offered, and immediate action taken.
- When these systems and networks are safe from cyberattacks, and personal and private data is handled with caution and care, only then will valuable technologies be established.
- Artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques will help the Internet of Things be safer through self-learning. The vacuum robot should only collide with the pet cat at most once.
- In the future additional information displayed on the handheld screen or in the field of view will help us to communicate more securely with the digital world surrounding us.
- The interconnected "things" generate a plethora of data. These need to be analysed quickly and precisely, for our networked environment to not turn into an unsafe state, but to support our
everyday life with purpose and use.
The Internet of Things is developing around us at unimaginable speed. Only if it becomes objectively secure, will we be able to derive the benefit that we may and must expect from it. In
addition, new test methods must be developed for a fast and precise evaluation on whether networked systems are consistently safe and secure.
For this reason, our expertise is required.
An excerpt from our research and development projects
- A test catalog has been developed, together with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI), that allows independent and objective evaluation and protection of IoT
Development of a methodology, in cooperation with the Technical University of Graz, which focuses on assessing the security of consumer IoT devices with regard to
passive attacks on network communication and targeted attacks from the network. The results of these investigations are used in the further development of the existing TÜV
AUSTRIA inspection catalog for Trusted IoT Devices.
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